The Beginner Photography Podcast

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050: Vincent Pugliese - How To Become A Super Bowl Photographer

Vinny Pugliese has accomplished many things in his sports photography career lasting more than 20 years. He is a Super Bowl Photographer, a World Series Photographer, an NBA playoff photographer, and even with his wife accomplished Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers. Today he talks about how to become a sports photographer and the secret to long term success. 

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In this episode you'll learn

  • How long Vinny has been shooting sports and weddings

  • Why Vinny got into photography

  • The value of faking it until you make it

  • Why Vinny wasnt even thinking of monitizing his sports photography

  • Vinnys first portfolio review

  • How Vinny started building relationships with the right people to shoot more games

  • Who hires the photographers for sports teams

  • Some of the best perks of being a sports photographer

  • Sports photography workflow

  • The biggest mistakes beginner sports photographers make 

  • How to shoot sports without spending $10k on a telephoto lens

  • How to shoot sports with the gear you have

  • Why the quiet moments can be more powerful than the action

  • The once piece of advice Vinny wish he knew about sports photography when he first started


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