080: 5 Ways To Jump Start Your Photos In 2018

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

In today's episode, I talk about the growth of the Beginner Photography Podcast in 2017. I talk about the plans I made for last year, whether or not I kept them, and why. I also talk about the challenges I faced and what I plan to do about them in the upcoming year. 

1: Share Your Photos

I can't tell you how bad I wish I had shared more of my photos when I first started out. But there simply was not an easy way to do it like there is now. Take advantage of this great time to be alive and share your photos with the world! 

2: Experiment More

It can get easy to fall into a rhythm when shooting. Sure there is a lot to learn about photography but with so much to learn it can be overwhelming when trying something new, so you just default to your old ways. That's a quick way to fall stagnant. Don't fall into that trap! 

3: Be The Dumbest Person In The Room

Growth only comes when you are around people who know more than you do. When starting out as a photographer I can see how you might feel like a fraud, or worse, not worthy. That's simply false and crazy. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone has a different journey. Join a local photo club, find one on Meetup.com (it's not a dating site, I promise.)

4: Don't Buy Any New Gear

Learn to use the gear you have. Master your gear. Know it inside and out. Once you learn your gear's limitations, only then can you be qualified to spend money on something new. I understand if you need a new battery or memory card, or even a camera bag, but don't buy a new camera body in 2018!

5: Print Your Photos

Our generation is printing fewer photos than ever before. I recently read a story of a little girl going through her grandparent's photo albums and wondering why she had no photos of herself to hold and show others. I hate that idea and you should too! Photos are the perfect way to relive a moment in the past. The digital version is fine, but holding a print in your hand is an entirely different experience! 

077: Ben Hartley - How To Create A 6 Figure Photography Studio

Ben Hartley is a Columbus Wedding Photographer who co-owns a six-figure wedding photography studio, runs a popular photography podcast, and is a prominent speaker at multiple photography conventions. Today he comes on the podcast to share some of his best tips to not only start a photography studio but how and why you should focus on serving your clients first.

In Todays Interview You'll Learn:

  • Where Ben's Creativity Came from

  • How to decided when to open up a photography studio

  • How Ben got his start in photography

  • The biggest thing that beginners mess up when dealing with clients

  • How raising your prices can create abundance in your lifestyle

  • Why profit should be the furthest thing from your mind when dealing with clients

  • What Ben would tell himself about photography if he could go back in time

  • How to create communication systems within your photography business

  • How to remove the ego when working with other photographers

  • an embarrassing moment Ben had at a wedding


Check out more recent Interviews.

076: You're Going to Fail

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

In this episode, Indianapolis Wedding Photographer Raymond Hatfield talks about failing as a photographer. Since the explosion of digital photography, the amount of photographers has skyrocketed. It can be difficult to gain traction and notoriety. What can be more frustrating is when there are a half-dozen other photographers who give twice as much for half the cost (Double Frustrating if their work is sub-par!). But there is good news. 

You're going to fail. 

How is that good news? Well if you go into anything with blinders on you might miss out on the bigger picture. Photography isn't photography. It's not like you can pick up a camera and love every aspect and subject there is to shoot. Someone's job is to photograph giant hairy spiders all day. Would you love that? Regardless of the answer, I'm sure that person didn't go to school for "Giant Hairy Spider Photography". They had to have failed at a million other things before they got that job.

Photography is a journey. You're going to get a few bumps and scrapes along the way but if it was easy, I promise you it wouldn't be as rewarding. 

Check out more recent episodes. 

074: The Value of a Photography Mentor

In the age of youtube and google where we can find all the information we could ever possibly want in just seconds, why would we want a mentor? Today we talk about the value of a mentor what they mean to you and your growth and how its better than just searching for photography tutorials for beginners.

In This Episode You'll Learn:

  • Why top level CEOs have mentors but beginners don't

  • How important a mentor is for photographers

  • Why an apprenticeship is a lost art

  • Matt's personal experience with a mentor

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073: Kyle Shultz - Taking Better Photos Of Kids

Kyle Shultz ran a successful photography studio shooting upwards of 40+ weddings and hundreds of portrait sessions a year before giving it all up and starting an online educational site called ShultzPhotoSchool where he focuses on teaching parents how they can take better photos of their kids!


In this episode you'll learn:

  • How Kyle got his start in photography

  • How Kyle went from buying a camera to take photos while on his bike rides to booking weddings

  • Why Kyle wanted to shoot less weddings

  • How Shultz Photo School started

  • The number one tip Kyle shares for parents to take better photos of your kids

  • Simple beginner mistakes most parent photographers make and how you can fix them

  • How watching movies can make you a better photographer

  • Why you should be trying to tell a story with your photos rather than taking the best photo

  • What the most powerful photos have and how you can get it in your photos

  • Why you need to be protecting your photos and how




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072: Brooke Mendenhall - From Begging for Clients to Fully Booked

Brooke Mendenhall is a relatively new to the photography business who has gone from begging clients for a modest $75 for a session to now charging 10x that and keeping her calendar booked all while living in a small town. Today she shares some of her best tips to grow as well as how to get into the right mindset to make money. 

In this weeks episode you'll learn:

  • How Brooke got into photography

  • How Brooke went from making pennys to being fully booked and opening a studio in just 2 years

  • Why you should focus less on the technicals and more on your client experiance

  • Why Brooke says she wasnt booking clients even though she was cheaper than her compitition

  • How Brooke shoots for free and makes more money than she ever has before

  • Why hobbiest photographers have a hard time getting in the mindset of making money

  • Why Brooke doesnt give the digital files until her clients buy prints

  • How to make a better experience for your photography clients

  • How a photography webinar on in person sales changed her bussiness for the best and why she wouldnt recommend it.




  • When I got the camera I had no idea there was such a thing as Manual mode

  • If I don't please my clients, why should they pay me?

  • I didn't even have a camera when I first started photographing people

  • Not having a studio space is no excuse to not do in person sales

  • We need people to sneeze on their friends for us



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071: Why You Should Be Shooting For Free

In This Episode You'll Learn:

  • Why shooting for free isn't killing the industry

  • How Matt build his career by shooting for free

  • How shooting for free can make you more money

  • How to use your free shoots to build your portfolio

  • The exact strategy you can use to book more shoots by shooting for free

  • The importance of blogging as a photographer

  • How to book more photo shoots quick

  • Why craigslist isn't the best place for photographers

  • How shooting 1 free wedding got Matt 50 Inqueries and how you can do it too!

  • How to use SEO to book more weddings

  • Why people arnt buying your photography, and what they are really buying



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070: Nick Page - How To Become A Landscape Photographer

Nick Page is a Landscape photographer who got his start in photography later than most after he found him self with too much free time when an accident left him bed ridden. Since then he has quickly become one of the top landscape photographers around and has just launched his own podcast "The Landscape Photography Podcast" which can be found in your favorite podcast player.


In this episode you'll learn:

  • How a horrible accident gave Nick his start in photography

  • How Nicks start in videography got him interested in photography

  • What some of the first tutorials Nick watched were

  • What are some of the most difficult aspects of landscape photography

  • How to make money with landscape photography

  • How to get into landscape photography

  • How much preparation goes into a great landscape photo

  • The number 1 thing people get wrong with landscape photography

  • What Nicks biggest tip for getting a great landscape photo it

  • Why landscape photos take several hours to edit a single image in photoshop

  • Some simple tricks to editing your landscape photography

  • Common mistakes beginners make in their landscape photography




  • Like anyone else I started taking photos of my kid

  • learning how to shoot in manual was the best thing I could have done

  • if you shoot the same thing all the time youre going to get burnt out

  • My favorite landscape images are from when I just got up and out of the house to go shoot

  • There has to be a sacrifice to get a great landscape photo

  • You can either be amazing at TV or amazing at photography. Not Both

  • Landscape photography is such a saturated field

  • You want a photo to be real and believable but also special and interesting

  • Take the time to be creative before worring about the technicals


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068: Where To Invest Your Money In The Right Photography Gear!

In this episode of the podcast Destination Wedding Photographer Matt Druin and I talk about where we wasted our money on gear when we started out, where we wish we would have invested our money, and tips that will help you buy right so you dont have to buy twice!

Consider becoming a patron of the show on Patreon and you'll get exculsuves and tutorials that no one else gets! 

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067: Phillip and Eileen Blume. Use Photography To Change The World

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Phillip and Eileen Blume are Wedding Photographers from just outside of Athens Ga who have figured out how to use their craft to change the world. Having been in the industry for the past 10 years they have no only proven that they are incredibly talented at shooting but running a business as well. They have sculpted their wedding photography business to fit their lives perfectly. From the way they raise their children, to the clients they want to work with, to the bigger picture of living a fulfilled life. Today they share their secrets and how you can give back too!

In This Episode You'll Learn:

  • What The Blumes Photograph

  • How long the Blumes have been shooting professionally

  • What Phillip and Elieen did before they became photographers

  • The most important aspect of getting more business

  • How to monetize and market your photography correctly

  • How they got into shooting video for a passion project

  • The important power we have as visual creators

  • How to get involved with an organization that wants to change the world

  • How the Blumes created a successful luxury photography studio in one of the highest poverty markets in America

  • How you can get clients to go out of their way to meet with you!





  • We thought it would be cool to be wedding photographers but we had no idea what we were getting into

  • As soon as the stranger called us we realized we could make a go at this!

  • We invested in education and marketing rather than gear

  • Giving a great client experience is the hallmark of our business

  • We were overworked at first. We didnt understand systems or workflows.

  • Keep the momentum. Photography is not a sprint, its a marathon.

  • Passion Projects let us try something new without the pressure of a paying client

  • A starving artist cant feed the hungry

  • dont be offended when a bride shows you their pintrest board.

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065: Marc Silber - Advancing Your Photography

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Marc Silber is a photographer, filmmaker, author and producer of the very popular Youtube series Advancing Your Photography, where he has interviewed scores of some of the biggest names in photography. 

He started out learning darkroom skills and the basics of photography at the legendary Peninsula School in Menlo Park, CA, in the '60s, and moved on to hone his skills to professional standards at the famed San Francisco Art Institute. Marc moved into teaching photography in workshops all over the country, he became renowned as an engaging and helpful speaker and coach, as his greatest joy comes from helping others. 

In this episode you'll learn:

  • How Marc got his start in photography

  • Who was his most influential inspiration getting into photography

  • How he decided to jumpstart into photography

  • The biggest mistakes that Marc sees beginners making

  • How Marc got into teaching photography to eager beginners

  • The trap of the "Creative Gap"

  • A tip to start taking better photos right away

  • How the difference between a diner and a bistro applies to photography

  • How videography taught Marc to be a better photographer

  • An embarrassing moment Marc had while photographing one of the most powerful photographers alive




  • Get an idea of the photograph in your mind before you press the shutter

  • dont underestimate the power of pre visualization

  • Simplify your photos.

  • Ask yourself what story do you want to tell with this photo

  • People want you to give them directions. Otherwise they would take a selfie.

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064: $1Million Wedding Photography Lawsuit. Justified or Frivolous??

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

In this episode of the podcast Destination Wedding Photographer, Matt Druin and I talk about the recent court ruling that awarded a wedding photographer a million dollars in a lawsuit against her past wedding clients. We talk about the lawsuit, what should have been done, and what Matt and I are going to do to protect our selfs from this happening to us. 

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063: A Wedding Photographers Worst Nightmare!

This week I chat with Matt Druin again after the positive feedback from our last episode. Today I have a story to tell about every wedding photographers worst nightmare and happened to me. 

I talk about my most recent wedding where I had to travel to. I talk about the accident that we got into on the way to the wedding and the most embarrassing mistake I could make as a wedding photographer. 


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