BPP 188: Is Editing Your Photos Cheating
Is editing cheating?
It is a question that’s been asked for a long time by new photographers. Having your skills be at a level to be able to get your photos right in-camera is something many photographers strive for and in a world where we slap an instagram filter on everything before posting it, the legitimacy of editing is often questioned. But is it cheating? A recent study said that wedding photographers spend 55% of their time editing and just 4% of their time shooting. There is a huge gap there.
The key is to be more efficient with Lightroom. If even professional photographers can get this wrong and spend 12x more time editing than shooting there is a clear gap that you can take advantage of to be able to edit with speed and organization. It all comes down to mastering the fundamentals.
That is why I have created Lightroom 101.
From Import to Export create a powerful photo editing workflow to spend less time wondering what sliders do what and spend more time shooting what you love!
Click below to learn more. Enrollment closes March 5th.
Click the image to learn how to finally master Lightroom
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Full Episode Transcription:
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