A business model is a conceptual structure that supports the viability of a product or company and explains how the company operates, makes money, and how it intends to achieve its goals. Choosing the right business model is more important than you could know for creating a photography business that can support you and your family financially and live a life with less stress and overwhelm.
A business model is a conceptual structure that supports the viability of a product or company and explains how the company operates, makes money, and how it intends to achieve its goals.
Choosing the right business model is more important than you could know for creating a photography business that can support you and your family financially and live a life with less stress and overwhelm.
The two business models that are at polar opposites of each other are
Shoot and Burn
Everything else falls in between these two.
Shoot and burn photography is focused more on high volume at lower prices. As a shoot and burn photographer, you are simply selling your time.
Boutique photography is client focused shooting less volume but at higher prices. As a boutique photographer, you are selling your art and vision.
In this episode, I go more in-depth on the two different business models and share how you can eliminate all competition.
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Full Episode Transcription:
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