Todays Listener Photo Question: What's The One Piece Of Advice You Wish You Knew When First Started Out In Photography
When I first started out in photography all I cared about was taking better photos than everyone else. Obviously if you take the best photos possible people will come running your way just throwing heaps of money at you to take their photo right? I couldn't have been more wrong. The truth is your clients are very uneducated about photography. The fact that you have a DSLR and shoot in a mode outside of AUTO will result in photos much better than they would ever take. So if you could create a better photo than the client could, and so could a photographer charging 10x what you do, why would they ever hire the other photographer? Because
“You’re not selling your photography, you’re selling yourself to people who need photography”
The photographers who are successfully charging 10x what you do even though you might take better photos can do so because they are selling them self. Their personality. Their ideas. Their life goals. When people can make a personal connection to you, they will be way more willing to pay for your photography even if there are photographers who charge 10x less than you.